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  • pcvr Goals
  • Load Package
  • Bayesian Statistics Intro
  • Bayesian Conjugacy Theory
  • Bayesian Conjugacy Example
  • pcvr::conjugate
  • Supported Distributions
  • pcvr::conjugate arguments
  • Reading conjugate output

pcvr Goals

Currently pcvr aims to:

  • Make common tasks easier and consistent
  • Make select Bayesian statistics easier

There is room for goals to evolve based on feedback and scientific needs.

Load package

Pre-work was to install R, Rstudio, and pcvr.

## Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
##   object 'type_sum.accel' not found

Bayesian Statistics Intro

Talk about probability, compare to frequentist, introduce theorem.

Bayesian Statistics Intro

Frequentist Bayesian
Fixed True Effect Observed Data
Random Observed Data True Effect
Interpretation P[Data | No Effect] P[Hypothesis | Observed Data]

Bayesian Conjugacy Theory

P(θ|(x1,,xi))=π(θ)L(θ|(x1,,xi))π(θ)L(θ|(x1,,xi))dθ\begin{equation} P(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i)) = \frac{\pi(\theta) \cdot L(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i))}{\int \pi(\theta) \cdot L(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i))~d\theta} \end{equation}

Bayesian Conjugacy Theory

P(θ|(x1,,xi))=π(θ)L(θ|(x1,,xi))π(θ)L(θ|(x1,,xi))dθ\begin{equation} P(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i)) = \frac{\pi(\theta) \cdot L(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i))}{\int \pi(\theta) \cdot L(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i))~d\theta} \end{equation}

P(θ|(x1,,xi))P(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i)) = Posterior Distribution (Conclusion as a PDf)

π(θ)\pi(\theta) = Prior Distribution (Knowledge as a PDF)

L(θ|(x1,,xi))L(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i)) = Likelihood (Data that we collected)

π(θ)L(θ|(x1,,xi))dθ\int \pi(\theta) \cdot L(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i))~d\theta = Marginal Distribution (this is the problem area)

π(θ)L(θ|(x1,,xi))dθ\int \pi(\theta) \cdot L(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i))~d\theta

Solving this integral is potentially a very difficult problem.

Historically there have been two answers:

  • Find pairs of likelihood functions and Priors that integrate easily
  • Numerical Methods

π(θ)L(θ|(x1,,xi))dθ\int \pi(\theta) \cdot L(\theta|(x_1, \ldots, x_i))~d\theta

Solving this integral is potentially a very difficult problem.

Historically there have been two answers:

  • Find pairs of likelihood functions and Priors that integrate easily (these are the conjugate priors)
  • Numerical Methods (Powerful computers making numeric approximations via MCMC, see advanced growth modeling tutorial)

Verb Conjugation

This may all still seem abstract, so we’ll try to clear it up with two examples.

Verb Conjugation

Verb Conjugation

Bayesian Beta-Binomial Conjugacy

In the previous example we updated a fundamental verb with context.

Here we’ll update a probability distribution with data.

The P parameter of a Binomial distribution has a Beta conjugate prior.

$$\begin{equation} x_1, \ldots, x_n \sim Binomial(N, P) \\ P \sim Beta(\alpha, \beta) \\ Beta(\alpha', \beta' |(x_1, \ldots, x_n)) = Beta(\alpha, \beta) \cdot L(\alpha, \beta|(x_1, \ldots, x_n)) \\ \alpha` = \alpha + \Sigma(\text{Successes} \in x) \\ \beta` = \beta + \Sigma(\text{Failures} \in x) \end{equation}$$

Bayesian Beta-Binomial Conjugacy

Bayesian Beta-Binomial Conjugacy

Bayesian Beta-Binomial Conjugacy

Generally we can think of conjugacy as when we know the distribution of a parameter in another distribution.


In pcvr 11 distributions are supported in the conjugate function.

We’ll go over those distributions, what they tend to represent, how they are updated, and what the common alternative tests would be for that kind of data.


Distribution Data Updating Common Option
Gaussian Normal μ,σN(μ,σ)\mu', \sigma' \sim N(\mu, \sigma) Z-test
T Normal Means μ,σμ,νμT(μ,σ,ν)\mu', \sigma_\mu, \nu_\mu' \sim T(\mu, \sigma, \nu) T-test
Lognormal Positive Right Skewed μN(μ,σ)\mu' \sim N(\mu, \sigma) Wilcox
Lognormal2 Positive Right Skewed ρΓ(A,B)\rho' \sim \Gamma(A, B) Wilcox
Beta Percentages α,βα,β+Counts\alpha', \beta' \sim \alpha, \beta + Counts Wilcox
Binomial Success/Failure Counts PBeta(α,β)P \sim Beta(\alpha, \beta) Wilcox/logistic regression
Poisson Counts λGamma(A,B)\lambda \sim Gamma(A, B) Wilcox/glm
Neg-Binom. Overdispersed Counts PBeta(α,β)|rP \sim Beta(\alpha, \beta)|r) Wilcox/glm
Von Mises Circular μ,κ*VMf(μ,κ)\mu', \kappa'^* \sim VMf(\mu, \kappa) Watsons
Uniform Positive Flat UpperPareto(A,B)Upper \sim Pareto(A, B) Wilcox
Pareto Heavy Tail ShapeΓ(A,B)|Loc.Shape \sim \Gamma(A, B)| Loc. Wilcox
Gamma Right Skew RateΓ(A,B)|ShapeRate \sim \Gamma(A, B)| Shape Wilcox
Bernoulli Logical RateBeta(α,β)Rate \sim Beta(\alpha, \beta) Logistic Regression
Exponential Right Skew RateΓ(A,B)Rate \sim \Gamma(A, B) Wilcox/glm


## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_bar()`).

pcvr::conjugate arguments

conjugate takes one or two sets of SV (numeric) or MV (matrix/df) data. Alternatively this can be a formula and a dataframe, similar to stats::t.test.

  s1 = NULL, s2 = NULL,
  method = c(
    "t", "gaussian", "beta",
    "binomial", "lognormal", "lognormal2",
    "poisson", "negbin",
    "uniform", "pareto",
    "vonmises", "vonmises2"
  priors = NULL,
  plot = FALSE,
  rope_range = NULL, rope_ci = 0.89, = 0.89,
  hypothesis = "equal",
  support = NULL

pcvr::conjugate arguments

The method argument specifies the distribution to be used. See ?conjugate for further details.

  s1 = NULL, s2 = NULL,
  method = c(
    "t", "gaussian", "beta",
    "binomial", "lognormal", "lognormal2",
    "poisson", "negbin",
    "uniform", "pareto",
    "vonmises", "vonmises2"
  priors = NULL,
  plot = FALSE,
  rope_range = NULL, rope_ci = 0.89, = 0.89,
  hypothesis = "equal",
  support = NULL

pcvr::conjugate arguments

The priors argument allows you to specify the prior distribution. If left NULL then default priors will be used

  s1 = NULL, s2 = NULL,
  method = c(
    "t", "gaussian", "beta",
    "binomial", "lognormal", "lognormal2",
    "poisson", "negbin",
    "uniform", "pareto",
    "vonmises", "vonmises2"
  priors = NULL,
  plot = FALSE,
  rope_range = NULL, rope_ci = 0.89, = 0.89,
  hypothesis = "equal",
  support = NULL

pcvr::conjugate default priors

## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_bar()`).

pcvr::conjugate arguments

The plot argument controls whether or not a ggplot is made of the results. See later examples.

  s1 = NULL, s2 = NULL,
  method = c(
    "t", "gaussian", "beta",
    "binomial", "lognormal", "lognormal2",
    "poisson", "negbin",
    "uniform", "pareto",
    "vonmises", "vonmises2"
  priors = NULL,
  plot = FALSE,
  rope_range = NULL, rope_ci = 0.89, = 0.89,
  hypothesis = "equal",
  support = NULL

pcvr::conjugate arguments

The rope_range and rope_ci arguments allow region-of-practical-equivalence (ROPE) testing using the difference in the posterior distributions if two samples are given.

  s1 = NULL, s2 = NULL,
  method = c(
    "t", "gaussian", "beta",
    "binomial", "lognormal", "lognormal2",
    "poisson", "negbin",
    "uniform", "pareto",
    "vonmises", "vonmises2"
  priors = NULL,
  plot = FALSE,
  rope_range = NULL, rope_ci = 0.89, = 0.89,
  hypothesis = "equal",
  support = NULL

pcvr::conjugate arguments controls the credible intervals that are calculated on the posterior distributions. The default of 89% is arbitrary.

  s1 = NULL, s2 = NULL,
  method = c(
    "t", "gaussian", "beta",
    "binomial", "lognormal", "lognormal2",
    "poisson", "negbin",
    "uniform", "pareto",
    "vonmises", "vonmises2"
  priors = NULL,
  plot = FALSE,
  rope_range = NULL, rope_ci = 0.89, = 0.89,
  hypothesis = "equal",
  support = NULL

pcvr::conjugate arguments

The hypothesis argument sets which hypothesis is tested out of “greater”, “lesser”, “equal” and “unequal”. These are read as “s1 equal to s2”, etc.

  s1 = NULL, s2 = NULL,
  method = c(
    "t", "gaussian", "beta",
    "binomial", "lognormal", "lognormal2",
    "poisson", "negbin",
    "uniform", "pareto",
    "vonmises", "vonmises2"
  priors = NULL,
  plot = FALSE,
  rope_range = NULL, rope_ci = 0.89, = 0.89,
  hypothesis = "equal",
  support = NULL

pcvr::conjugate arguments

The support argument optionally lets you set the support range for the distribution. In practice this exists for internal use and is not something you would generally want to set.

  s1 = NULL, s2 = NULL,
  method = c(
    "t", "gaussian", "beta",
    "binomial", "lognormal", "lognormal2",
    "poisson", "negbin",
    "uniform", "pareto",
    "vonmises", "vonmises2"
  priors = NULL,
  plot = FALSE,
  rope_range = NULL, rope_ci = 0.89, = 0.89,
  hypothesis = "equal",
  support = NULL

Reading conjugate output

Lastly we’ll show a few interpretations of conjugate output in the plant phenotyping context.

  • Germination Rates
  • Area
  • Leaf Counts
  • Hue

Germination Rates

Germination Rates (or other binary outocmes like flowering or death) can make good sense as Beta-Binomial data.

Germination Rates

res <- conjugate(
  s1 = list(successes = df[df$geno == "A", "y"], trials = 10),
  s2 = list(successes = df[df$geno == "B", "y"], trials = 10),
  method = "binomial",
  plot = TRUE

Germination Rates

Here we’d simply conclude that there is about a 19% chance that the germination rate is the same between these two genotypes after 1 week. We could do more with ROPE testing, but we’ll do that in the next example.


Lots of phenotypes are gaussian and conjugate can be used similarly to a T-test with the “t” method. Consider area data that looks like this example.


Here we include a ROPE test corresponding to our belief that any difference in Area of ±2cm2\pm2 cm^2 is biologically insignificant. We also show the formula syntax and use non-default priors here (since default priors include negative values which can’t happen with area).

res <- conjugate(
  s1 = y ~ geno, s2 = df,
  method = "t",
  plot = TRUE,
  rope_range = c(-2, 2),
  priors = list(mu = 10, n = 1, s2 = 3),
  hypothesis = "unequal"


Our plot shows about a 83% chance that these distributions are unequal and a 24% chance that the difference in means is within ±2cm2\pm2 cm^2.


The other aspects of the output are a summary and the posterior parameters.

lapply(res, class)
## $summary
## [1] "data.frame"
## $posterior
## [1] "list"
## $plot
## [1] "patchwork" "gg"        "ggplot"

. . .

The summary is a data.frame with a summary of the information in the plot.

##      HDE_1 HDI_1_low HDI_1_high    HDE_2 HDI_2_low HDI_2_high     hyp post.prob
## 1 15.00699  13.38714   16.62685 11.93384  9.802616   14.06506 unequal 0.8206558
##   HDE_rope HDI_rope_low HDI_rope_high rope_prob
## 1 3.077311     0.245071      5.602771   0.23121


The other aspects of the output are a summary and the posterior parameters.

lapply(res, class)
## $summary
## [1] "data.frame"
## $posterior
## [1] "list"
## $plot
## [1] "patchwork" "gg"        "ggplot"

The posterior is the prior list updated with the given data, this allows for Bayesian updating hypothetically., res$posterior)
##      mu       n  s2      
## [1,] 15.00699 11 9.383789
## [2,] 11.93384 11 16.24362

Leaf Counts

There are also several phenotypes that are counts. Numbers of vertices, leaves, flowers, etc could all be used with one of the count distributions. Here we consider Poisson distributed leaf counts between two genotypes.

Leaf Counts

Here we model $X \sim Poisson(\lambda)\\ \lambda \sim \Gamma(A, B)$

res <- conjugate(
  s1 = y ~ geno, s2 = df,
  method = "poisson",
  plot = TRUE,
  rope_range = c(-1, 1),
  priors = list(a = 1, b = 1),
  hypothesis = "unequal"

Leaf Counts

We can comfortably say that the difference in the posteriors is not in [-1, 1] and there is a 91% chance that the Gamma distributions for λ\lambda are different.


Finally, we’ll show an example using what is likely the least-familiar distribution in conjugate, the Von-Mises distribution.

The Von-Mises distribution is a symmetric circular distribution defined on [π,π][-\pi, \pi].

To use Von-Mises with data on other intervals there is a boundary element in the prior that is used to rescale data to radians for the updating before rescaling back to the parameter space. See ?conjugate for more examples of the boundary.

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.


Note this is a very exaggerated example for the plant phenotyping setting since green happens to be in the middle of the hue circle, which wraps in the red colors.

If you do have wrapped circular data then looking at it in a non-circular space like this would be a problem. For values we normally get from plants other continuous methods can generally be a decent approximation.

ggplot(df, aes(x = geno, y = y, fill = geno)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) +
  geom_jitter(height = 0, width = 0.05) +
  pcv_theme() +
  labs(y = "Hue (radians)") +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-pi, pi), breaks = round(c(-pi, -pi / 2, 0, pi / 2, pi), 2)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")


res <- conjugate(
  s1 = y ~ geno, s2 = df,
  method = "vonmises2",
  priors = list(mu = 0, kappa = 0.5, boundary = c(-pi, pi), n = 1),
  plot = TRUE


Here our distributions are very similar and there is about a 79% chance that their parameters are the same given this data and our (very wide) priors.

Note that if you use data in a different boundary space than radians the rope_range would be given in the observed parameter space, not in radians.



Hopefully this has been a useful introduction to Bayesian conjugacy.

Please direct questions/issues with pcvr::conjugate to the pcvr github issues or help-datascience slack channel for DDPSC users.