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Partial Least Squares Regression (plsr) is often used to analyze spectral data.


pcv.plsr(df, resps = NULL, spectra = NULL, train = 0.8, cv = 10, ...)



Data frame containing metadata and spectral histogram data


Vector of response variables.


Either one column name (in the case of long data) or a set of columns in the case of wide data. If a single character string is provided and it is not one of the column names then it is taken to be a pattern that will match some set of column names in the data to use (see examples).


Proportion of data to use as training data.


Number of cross validation iterations.


Further arguments passed to caret::train.


a list of lists each with model performance, prediction target, model, plot, N components, and variable influence on projection components for each response variable.


Note that columns that sum to 0 in the training or test data will be removed. This function also uses the 'pls' method from the pls package.


if (rlang::is_installed("pls")) {
  dists <- list(
    rlnorm = list(meanlog = log(40), sdlog = 0.5),
    rlnorm = list(meanlog = log(60), sdlog = 0.35)
  mv <- mvSim(
    dists = dists, n_samples = 100, counts = 1000,
    min_bin = 1, max_bin = 180, wide = TRUE
  sv <- growthSim("logistic",
    n = 5, t = 20,
    params = list("A" = c(200, 160), "B" = c(13, 11), "C" = c(3, 3.5))
  d <- cbind(sv, mv[, -1])
  # note that this requires the "pls" package to be installed.
  x <- pcv.plsr(df = d, resps = "y", spectra = grepl("^sim_", colnames(d)))