Calculate relative tolerance of some phenotype(s) relative to control
Often in bellwether experiments we are curious about the effect of some
treatment vs control. For certain routes in analysing the data this requires considering
phenotypes as relative differences compared to a control. Note that the conjugate
function can also be useful in considering the relative tolerance to stress between groups and that
growth models are another suggested way to test relative tolerance questions.
phenotypes = NULL,
grouping = NULL,
control = NULL,
controlGroup = NULL,
traitCol = "trait",
valueCol = "value"
- df
Dataframe to use, this can be in long or wide format.
- phenotypes
A character vector of column names for the phenotypes that should be compared against control.
- grouping
A character vector of column names that identify groups in the data. These groups will be calibrated separately, with the exception of the group that identifies a control within the greater hierarchy. Note that for levels of grouping where the control group does not exist the output will be NA.
- control
A column name for the variable to be used to select the control observations. If left NULL (the default) then this will be taken as the first string in the group argument.
- controlGroup
The level of the control variable to compare groups against.
- traitCol
Column with phenotype names, defaults to "trait". This should generally not need to be changed from the default. If this and valueCol are present in colnames(df) then the data is assumed to be in long format.
- valueCol
Column with phenotype values, defaults to "value". This should generally not need to be changed from the default.
# \donttest{
f <- ""
sv <- read.pcv(
reader = "fread"
sv$genotype <- substr(sv$barcode, 3, 5)
sv$genotype <- ifelse(sv$genotype == "002", "B73",
ifelse(sv$genotype == "003", "W605S",
ifelse(sv$genotype == "004", "MM", "Mo17")
sv$fertilizer <- substr(sv$barcode, 8, 8)
sv$fertilizer <- ifelse(sv$fertilizer == "A", "100",
ifelse(sv$fertilizer == "B", "50", "0")
sv <- bw.time(sv,
plantingDelay = 0, phenotype = "area_pixels",
cutoff = 10, timeCol = "timestamp", group = c("barcode", "rotation"), plot = FALSE
phenotypes <- colnames(sv)[19:35]
phenoForm <- paste0("cbind(", paste0(phenotypes, collapse = ", "), ")")
groupForm <- "DAS+DAP+barcode+genotype+fertilizer"
form <- as.formula(paste0(phenoForm, "~", groupForm))
sv <- aggregate(form, data = sv, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
sv <- bw.outliers(sv,
phenotype = "area_pixels",
group = c("DAS", "genotype", "fertilizer"),
plotgroup = c("barcode")
pixels_per_cmsq <- 42.5^2 # pixel per cm^2
sv$area_cm2 <- sv$area_pixels / pixels_per_cmsq
sv$height_cm <- sv$height_pixels / 42.5
df <- sv
phenotypes <- c("area_cm2", "height_cm")
grouping <- c("fertilizer", "genotype", "DAS")
controlGroup <- "100"
control <- "fertilizer"
rt <- relativeTolerance(df, phenotypes, grouping, control, controlGroup)
sapply(rt, function(c) sum(
error = function(e) {
#> Warning: 14 groupings had all observations removed
#> fertilizer genotype DAS phenotype mu_rel se_rel mu_trt
#> 0 0 0 0 20 42 0
#> se_trt mu_control se_control
#> 20 20 32
# }