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Output from this should be passed to fitGrowth to fit the specified model.


  sigma = NULL,
  start = NULL,
  pars = NULL,
  type = "brms",
  tau = 0.5,
  hierarchy = NULL



The name of a model as a character string. Supported options are c("logistic", "gompertz", "weibull", "frechet", "gumbel", "monomolecular", "exponential", "linear", "power law", "bragg", "lorentz", "beta", "double logistic", "double gompertz", "gam", "int"), with "int" representing an intercept only model which is only used in brms (and is expected to only be used in threshold models or to model homoskedasticity). Note that the dose response curves (bragg, lorentz, and beta) may be difficult to fit using the nlme backend but should work well using other options. See growthSim for examples of each type of single parameterized growth curve ("gam" is not supported in growthSim). You can also specify decay models by including the "decay" keyword with the model name. Note that using "decay" is only necessary for the brms backend since otherwise the priors are strictly positive. In brms models the entire formula is negated for decay models so that lognormal priors can still be used when at least some coefficients would be negative. Additionally, the "int_" prefix may be added to a model name to specify that an intercept should be included. By default these models are assumed to have intercepts at 0, which is often fine. If you include an intercept in a brms model then you would specify the prior as you would for an "A", "B", or "C" parameter but as "I". By default growthSS will make student T priors for intercept parameters in the same way that it will for estimated changepoints (see below). With type="brms" you can also specify segmented models by combining model names with a plus sign such as "linear + linear". In a segmented model the names for parameters do not follow the normal "A", "B", "C" notation, instead they are named for the type of model, the position in the formula, then for the parameter of that model. There will also be parameters to represent the time when growth switches from one model to another called either "changepointX" or "fixedChangePointX". All "changePointX" terms are estimated as parameters of the model. "fixedChangePointX" parameters are not estimated and are kept as the numeric value given in the priors, this is useful if your experiment has an intervention at a set time which you expect to change the growth process acutely. For the "linear + linear" example this would yield parameters "linear1A", "changePoint1" (or "fixedChangePoint1"), and "linear2A". A "linear + gompertz" model would have "linear1A", "changePoint1", "gompertz2A", "gompertz2B", and "gompertz2C" for parameters. Note that double sigmoid models are not supported as parts of segmented models and gams can currently only be included as the last part of a segmented model. When using a changepoint model it may be worth using segments that are simpler to fit (gompertz instead of EVD options, for instance). Currently "homo" and "int" are treated the same and "spline" and "gam" are interchangeable. Time-to-event models can be specified using the "survival" keyword, see details for an explanation of the changes that entails. Similarly, using the brms backend response distributions (see brms::brmsfamily) can be specified in the model as "family: model" so that a model of logistic increasing counts may be written as model = "poisson: logistic".


A formula describing the model. The left hand side should only be the outcome variable (phenotype), and a cutoff if you are making a survival model (see details). The right hand side needs at least the x variable (which should be numeric and is typically time). Grouping is also described in this formula using roughly lme4 style syntax,with formulas like y~time|individual/group to show that predictors should vary by group and autocorrelation between individual:group interactions should be modeled. Note that autocorrelation is only modeled with the "brms" backend in this way. "nlme" requires random effects and correlations to use the same grouping, so autocorrelation using the "nlme" backend works at the group level, so will slightly underestimate the autocorrelation at the individual level. If group has only one level or is not included then it will be ignored in formulas for growth and variance (this may be the case if you split data before fitting models to be able to run more smaller models each more quickly). To include multiple grouping variables they should be separated with "+" as in y~time|individual/groupingVariable1 + groupingVariable2. For some backends multiple grouping variables will be combined into a single factor of their interaction. Hierarchical models can be specified for the brms backend as y~time+other_covariate|individual/group in which case the parameters of the main growth model will themselves be estimated by models as specified in the hierarchy argument. For instance, if normally "A" had an intercept for each group, now it would be predicted as A ~ AI + AA * covariate where AI and AA now have an intercept for each group. Note that if you specify a hierarchical model then priors are required for AI and AA in the previous example.


Other models for distributional parameters. This argument is only used with "brms" and "nlme" models and is handled differently for each. When type="brms" this can be supplied as a model or as a list of models. It is turned into a formula (or list of formulas) with an entry corresponding to each distributional parameter (after the mean) of the growth model family. If no family was specified (model="logistic" for instance) then the student T distribution is used, with additional distributional parameters sigma and nu. To check the naming of distributional parameters in each response family use brms::brmsfamily("family")$dpars. The supported options are the same as the model options (including threshold models). For distributional parameters that do not have a formula specified they will be modeled as intercept only (not by group). Parameter names are the same as those in the main model but with the distributional parameter name as a prefix. Additionally, if a linear model is used for sigma then it can be modeled with or without a prior, if a prior is specified ("sigmaA") then a non-linear formula is used and the "sigmaA" parameter will be included in the output instead of the default "sigma" term. In the rare case that you wish to model the mean and the 3rd distributional parameter but not the 2nd then sigma = list("not_estimated", "model") would allow for that. When type ="nlme" the options are more limited to c("none", "power", "exp"), corresponding to using nlme::varIdent, nlme::varPower, or nlme::varExp respectively where "power" is the default.


A dataframe to use. Must contain all the variables listed in the formula. Note that rows with NA or infinite values in x, y, or hierarchical predictors are removed.


An optional named list of starting values OR means for prior distributions. If this is not provided then starting values are picked with stats::selfStart. When type = "brms" these should be provided and are treated as the means of lognormal priors for all growth model parameters and T_5(mu, 3) priors for changepoint parameters. This is done because the values are strictly positive and the lognormal distribution is easily interpreted. The changepoint priors are T distributions for symmetry, 5 DF having been chosen for heavy but not unmanageable tails. If this argument is not provided then priors are made using brms::get_prior. Those priors are unlikely to be suitable and a different set of priors will need to be made for the model using brms::set_prior for good convergence. When specifying starting values/prior means think of this as being similar to the params argument in growthSim. Names should correspond to parameter names from the model argument. A numeric vector can also be used, but specifying names is best practice for clarity. Additionally, due to a limitation in brms currently lower bounds cannot be set for priors for specific groups. If priors include multiple groups (start = list(A = c(10,15), ...)) then you will see warnings after the model is fit about not having specified a lower bound explicitly. Those warnings can safely be ignored and will be addressed if the necessary features are added to brms. See details for guidance.


Optionally specify which parameters should change by group. Not this is model dependent and is not implemented for brms models due to their more flexible hypothesis testing.


Type of model to fit, options are "brms", "nlrq", "nlme", "nls", and "mgcv". Note that the "mgcv" option only supports "gam" models. Survival models can use the "survreg" model type (this will be called if any non-brms/flexsurv type is given) or the "flexsurv" model type which requires the flexsurv package to be installed. Note that for non-brms models variables in the model will be labeled by the factor level of the group, not necessarily by the group name. This is done for ease of use with different modeling functions, the levels are alphabetically sorted and can be checked using: table(ss$df$group, ss$df$group_numericLabel).


A vector of quantiles to fit for nlrq models.


Optionally a list of model parameters that should themselves by modeled by another predictor variable. This is only used with the brms backend.


A named list of elements to make it easier to fit non linear growth models with several R packages.

For brms models the output contains:

formula: A brms::bf formula specifying the growth model, autocorrelation, variance submodel, and models for each variable in the growth model. prior: A brmsprior/data.frame object. initfun: A function to randomly initialize chains using a random draw from a gamma distribution (confines initial values to positive and makes correct number of initial values for chains and groups). df The data input, with dummy variables added if needed and a column to link groups to their factor levels. family The model family, currently this will always be "student". pcvrForm The form argument unchanged. This is returned so that it can be used later on in model visualization. Often it may be a good idea to save the output of this function with the fit model, so having this can be useful later on.

For quantreg::nlrq models the output contains:

formula: An nls style formula specifying the growth model with groups if specified. taus: The quantiles to be fit start: The starting values, typically these will be generated from the growth model and your data in a similar way as shown in stats::selfStart models. df The input data for the model. pcvrForm The form argument unchanged.

For nls models the output is the same as for quantreg::nlrq models but without taus returned.

For nlme::nlme models the output contains:

formula: An list of nlme style formulas specifying the model, fixed and random effects, random effect grouping, and variance model (weights). start: The starting values, typically these will be generated from the growth model and your data in a similar way as shown in stats::selfStart models. df The input data for the model. pcvrForm The form argument unchanged.

For all models the type and model are also returned for simplicity downstream.


Default priors are not provided, but these can serve as starting points for each distribution. You are encouraged to use growthSim to consider what kind of trendlines result from changes to your prior and for interpretation of each parameter. The plotPrior function can be used to do prior predictive checks. You should not looking back and forth at your data trying to match your observed growth exactly with a prior distribution, rather this should be informed by an understanding of the plants you are using and expectations based on previous research. For the "double" models the parameter interpretation is the same as for their non-double counterparts except that there are A and A2, etc. It is strongly recommended to familiarize yourself with the double sigmoid distributions using growthSim before attempting to model one. Additionally, those distributions are intended for use with long delays in an experiment, think stress recovery experiments, not for minor hiccups in plant growth.

  • Logistic: list('A' = 130, 'B' = 12, 'C' = 3)

  • Gompertz: list('A' = 130, 'B' = 12, 'C' = 1.25)

  • Weibull: list('A' = 130, 'B' = 2, 'C' = 2)

  • Frechet: list('A' = 130, 'B' = 5, 'C' = 6)

  • Gumbel: list('A' = 130, 'B' = 6, 'C' = 4)

  • Double Logistic: list('A' = 130, 'B' = 12, 'C' = 3, 'A2' = 200, 'B2' = 25, 'C2' = 1)

  • Double Gompertz: list('A' = 130, 'B' = 12, 'C' = 0.25, 'A2' = 220, 'B2' = 30, 'C2' = 0.1)

  • Monomolecular: list('A' = 130, 'B' = 2)

  • Exponential: list('A' = 15, 'B' = 0.1)

  • Linear: list('A' = 1)

  • Power Law: list('A' = 13, 'B' = 2)

See details below about parameterization for each model option.

  • Logistic: `A / (1 + exp( (B-x)/C) )` Where A is the asymptote, B is the inflection point, C is the growth rate.

  • Gompertz: `A * exp(-B * exp(-C*x))` Where A is the asymptote, B is the inflection point, C is the growth rate.

  • Weibull: `A * (1-exp(-(x/C)^B))` Where A is the asymptote, B is the weibull shape parameter, C is the weibull scale parameter.

  • Frechet: `A * exp(-((x-0)/C)^(-B))` Where A is the asymptote, B is the frechet shape parameter, C is the frechet scale parameter. Note that the location parameter (conventionally m) is 0 in these models for simplicity but is still included in the formula.

  • Gumbel: `A * exp(-exp(-(x-B)/C))` Where A is the asymptote, B is the inflection point (location), C is the growth rate (scale).

  • Double Logistic: `A / (1+exp((B-x)/C)) + ((A2-A) /(1+exp((B2-x)/C2)))` Where A is the asymptote, B is the inflection point, C is the growth rate, A2 is the second asymptote, B2 is the second inflection point, and C2 is the second growth rate.

  • Double Gompertz: `A * exp(-B * exp(-C*x)) + ((A2-A) * exp(-B2 * exp(-C2*(x-B))))` Where A is the asymptote, B is the inflection point, C is the growth rate, A2 is the second asymptote, B2 is the second inflection point, and C2 is the second growth rate.

  • Monomolecular: `A-A * exp(-B * x)` Where A is the asymptote and B is the growth rate.

  • Exponential: `A * exp(B * x)` Where A is the scale parameter and B is the growth rate.

  • Linear: `A * x` Where A is the growth rate.

  • Power Law: `A * x^(B)` Where A is the scale parameter and B is the growth rate.

  • Bragg: `A * exp(-B * (x - C) ^ 2)` This models minima and maxima as a dose-response curve where A is the max response, B is the "precision" or slope at inflection, and C is the x position of the max response.

  • Lorentz: `A / (1 + B * (x - C) ^ 2)` This models minima and maxima as a dose-response curve where A is the max response, B is the "precision" or slope at inflection, and C is the x position of the max response. Generally Bragg is preferred to Lorentz for dose-response curves.

  • Beta: `A * (((x - D) / (C - D)) * ((E - x) / (E - C)) ^ ((E - C) / (C - D))) ^ B` This models minima and maxima as a dose-response curve where A is the Maximum Value, B is a shape/concavity exponent similar to the sum of alpha and beta in a Beta distribution, C is the position of maximum value, D is the minimum position where distribution > 0, E is the maximum position where distribution > 0. This is a difficult model to fit but can model non-symmetric dose-response relationships which may sometimes be worth the extra effort.

Note that for these distributions parameters do not exist in a vacuum. Changing one will make the others look different in the resulting data. The growthSim function can be helpful in familiarizing further with these distributions.

Using the brms backend the sigma argument optionally specifies a sub model to account for heteroskedasticity. Any combination of models (except for decay models) can be specified in the sigma term. If you need variance to raise and lower then a gam/spline is the most appropriate option.

Using the brms backend a model with lots of parameters may be difficult to estimate if there are lots of groups. If you have very many levels of your "group" variable in a complex model then consider fitting models to subsets of the "group" variable and using combineDraws to make a data.frame for hypothesis testing.

Limits on the Y variable can be specified in the brms backend. This should generally be unnecessary and will make the model slower to fit and potentially more difficult to set priors on. If you do have a limited phenotype (besides the normal positive constraint for growth models) then this may be helpful, one situation may be canopy coverage percentage which is naturally bounded at an upper and lower limit. To specify these limits add square brackets to the Y term with upper and lower limits such as "y[0,100] ~ time|id/group". Other "Additional response information" such as resp_weights or standard errors can be specified using the brms backend, with those options documented fully in the brms::brmsformula details.

There are also three supported submodel options for nlme models, but a varFunc object can also be supplied, see ?nlme::varClasses.

  • none: varIdent(1|group), which models a constant variance separately for each group.

  • power: varPower(x|group), which models variance as a power of x per group.

  • exp: varExp(x|group), which models variance as an exponent of x per group.

Survival models can be fit using the "survival" keyword in the model specification. Using the "brms" backend (type argument) you can specify "weibull" (the default) or "binomial" for the distribution to use in that model so that the final model string would be "survival binomial" or "survival weibull" which is equivalent to "survival". Time to event data is very different than standard phenotype data, so the formula argument should include a cutoff for the Y variable to count as an "event". For example, if you were checking germination using area and wanted to use 50 pixels as a germinated plant your formula would be area > 50 ~ time|id/group. Internally the input dataframe will be converted to time-to-event data based on that formula. Alternatively you can make your own time to event data and supply that to growthSS. In that case your data should have columns called "n_events" (number of individuals experiencing the event at this time) and "n_eligible" (number of individuals who had not experienced the event at least up to this time) for the binomial model family OR "event" (binary 1,0 for TRUE, FALSE) for the Weibull model family. Note that since these are linear models using different model families the priors are handled differently. For survival models the default priors are weak regularizing priors (Normal(0,5)) on all parameters. If you wish to specify your own priors you can supply them as brmsprior objects or as a list such as priors = list("group1" = c(0,3), "group2" = c(0,1)) where the order of values is Mu, Sigma. Any non-brms backend will instead use survival::survreg to fit the model unless the "flexsurv" type is specified. Distributions will be passed to survreg where options are "weibull", "exponential", "gaussian", "logistic","lognormal" and "loglogistic" if type = "survreg" or to flexsurv::flexsurvreg if type = "flexsurv" where options are "gengamma", "gengamma.orig", "genf", "genf.orig", "weibull", "gamma", "exp", "llogis", "lnorm", "gompertz", "exponential", and "lognormal". In flexsurvreg distributional modeling is supported and additional formula can be passed as a list to the sigma argument of growthSS in the same way as to the anc argument of flexsurv::flexsurvreg. Further additional arguments should be supplied via fitGrowth if desired.

See also

fitGrowth for fitting the model specified by this list and mvSS for the multi-value trait equivalent.


simdf <- growthSim("logistic",
  n = 20, t = 25,
  params = list("A" = c(200, 160), "B" = c(13, 11), "C" = c(3, 3.5))
ss <- growthSS(
  model = "logistic", form = y ~ time | id / group,
  sigma = "spline", df = simdf,
  start = list("A" = 130, "B" = 12, "C" = 3), type = "brms"
lapply(ss, class)
#> $formula
#> [1] "brmsformula" "bform"      
#> $prior
#> [1] "brmsprior"  "data.frame"
#> $initfun
#> [1] "function"
#> $df
#> [1] "data.frame"
#> $family
#> [1] "character"
#> $pcvrForm
#> [1] "formula"
#> $type
#> [1] "character"
#> $model
#> [1] "character"
#> $call
#> [1] "call"
#> $b_A
#> [1] 1.5048525 0.7474248
#> $b_B
#> [1] 0.3126611 0.8370048
#> $b_C
#> [1] 2.9719342 0.2303612
# the next step would typically be compiling/fitting the model
# here we use very few chains and very few iterations for speed, but more of both is better.
# \donttest{
fit_test <- fitGrowth(ss,
  iter = 500, cores = 1, chains = 1, backend = "cmdstanr",
  control = list(adapt_delta = 0.999, max_treedepth = 20)
#> Start sampling
#> Init values were only set for a subset of parameters. 
#> Missing init values for the following parameters:
#> Intercept_sigma, bs_sigma, zs_sigma_1_1, sds_sigma_1, zs_sigma_2_1, sds_sigma_2, Intercept_nu
#> To disable this message use options(cmdstanr_warn_inits = FALSE).
#> Running MCMC with 1 chain...
#> Chain 1 Iteration:   1 / 500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue:
#> Chain 1 Exception: student_t_lpdf: Location parameter[1] is inf, but must be finite! (in '/tmp/Rtmph4C9gB/model-1fda4951aba2.stan', line 130, column 4 to column 48)
#> Chain 1 If this warning occurs sporadically, such as for highly constrained variable types like covariance matrices, then the sampler is fine,
#> Chain 1 but if this warning occurs often then your model may be either severely ill-conditioned or misspecified.
#> Chain 1 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 100 / 500 [ 20%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 200 / 500 [ 40%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 251 / 500 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 350 / 500 [ 70%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 450 / 500 [ 90%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 500 / 500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 finished in 96.6 seconds.
# }

# formulas and priors will look different if there is only one group in the data

ex <- growthSim("linear", n = 20, t = 25, params = list("A" = 2))
ex_ss <- growthSS(
  model = "linear", form = y ~ time | id / group, sigma = "spline",
  df = ex, start = list("A" = 1), type = "brms"

ex_ss$prior # no coef level grouping for priors
#>                    prior     class coef group resp  dpar nlpar lb   ub  source
#>     student_t(3, 0, 2.5) Intercept                 sigma               default
#>         normal(2.7, 0.8) Intercept                    nu               default
#>  lognormal(log(1), 0.25)         b                           A  0 <NA>    user
ex_ss$formula # intercept only model for A
#> y ~ A * time 
#> autocor ~ tructure(list(), class = "formula", .Environment = <environment>)
#> sigma ~ s(time)
#> nu ~ 1
#> A ~ 1

ex2 <- growthSim("linear", n = 20, t = 25, params = list("A" = c(2, 2.5)))
ex2_ss <- growthSS(
  model = "linear", form = y ~ time | id / group, sigma = "spline",
  df = ex2, start = list("A" = 1), type = "brms"
ex2_ss$prior # has coef level grouping for priors
#>                    prior     class coef group resp  dpar nlpar lb   ub  source
#>     student_t(3, 0, 2.5) Intercept                 sigma               default
#>         normal(2.7, 0.8) Intercept                    nu               default
#>  lognormal(log(1), 0.25)         b                           A  0 <NA>    user
ex2_ss$formula # specifies an A intercept for each group and splines by group for sigma
#> y ~ A * time 
#> autocor ~ tructure(list(), class = "formula", .Environment = <environment>)
#> sigma ~ s(time, by = group)
#> nu ~ 1
#> A ~ 0 + group